Monday, April 9, 2012

Feed back From Alex Shuhan's Studio


Continuing to experience more and more revelations thanks to BE. Students are all responding very well, in fact, I've had more students offering to me their own self-awareness observations than I've ever experienced. Typical lesson is for students to come and wait for me to tell them something, and if I ask questions, they're usually uncomfortable and baffled! Now, it is not uncommon for the students to be offering up their own questions and observations of things they are suddenly noticing about their playing. This is huge and completely a result of BE.

Other thoughts, one-liners, etc.:

Compression ALLOWS for vibration. (I NEVER really understood what compression meant. For me now, it seems to be the MOST important thing to understand/experience and it has been revealed to me entirely thanks to BE).

If you've mastered range, tone, flexibility, intonation, articulation, dynamics and a general ease of production, BE is not for you. All others should consider opening the BE door to possibility.

BE allows for real understanding.

Anything that has changed in my playing as a result of BE has happened in a gentle, easy manner. The adjustments, improvements have all occurred in a way that makes the whole playing process better informed.

If you've been stuck, unable to affect change and/or improvement…BE!

Alex Shuhan, Assoc. Prof. of Horn
Ithaca College School of Music

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