Hello and thanks for stopping by. I’m Valerie Wells, a horn player dedicating this blog to share my success using The Balanced Embouchure (BE) and to provide a place for other horn players to share their positive experiences with BE. The Balanced Embouchure is an embouchure development system originally written for trumpet by Jeff Smiley. BE is now helping an ever growing number of horn players improve their embouchures, too. To learn how I came to BE, see this. The Balanced Embouchure book and CD are available directly from me. My adapted exercises for French horn are available with the purchase of the book. There's only one BE book. The same book is used for both horn and trumpet.
The Balanced Embouchure Book with CD is $45.00.
The BE for French Horn booklet and/or PDF of horn adaptations is $3.00 (with book purchase).
Shipping & handling is $5.50 to $25.00 depending on location. (The quoted prices are in US dollars.)
Skype lessons available
The Balanced Embouchure Book with CD is $45.00.
The BE for French Horn booklet and/or PDF of horn adaptations is $3.00 (with book purchase).
Shipping & handling is $5.50 to $25.00 depending on location. (The quoted prices are in US dollars.)
Those who purchase The Balanced Embouchure with a Comfy Horn Strap, receive a $5.00 discount (as well as break on shipping).
To Order:
Step 1. Email me: ValerieW78 “at” Gmail “dot” com. Please tell me what instrument you play and the country you live in.
Step 2. I send you an invoice with payment options (credit card, PayPal, check or money order).
Step 3. You pay the invoice.
Step 4. I ship your BE book.
Happy horn playing!
Valerie Wells
For additional information about BE in general, please see the following links:
Jeff Smiley’s website
The Balanced Embouchure Forum
Michael Camilleri’s website
Phil Mach's website
Bert Loch’s website
Jeff Smiley’s website
The Balanced Embouchure Forum
Michael Camilleri’s website
Phil Mach's website
Bert Loch’s website
Ko de Rooj's website (Netherlands)
Skype lessons available
Bruce Lee: teatro333 "at" gmail "dot"com
Valerie Wells: ValerieW78 "at" gmail "dot" com

For various reasons that seem inherent in our approach to the instrument, French horn players (self included) often develop misconceptions about The Balanced Embouchure that can potentially impede progress.
Misconception #1: BE is written for trumpet, therefore much of it will not apply to French horn.
Some exercises need transposition or adaptation for French horn, but the principles and techniques taught in this book are as applicable to French horn as they are to trumpet. (I learned this lesson the hard way.)
Misconception #2: BE is all about rolling the lips in and out.
Lip rolling is only part of BE. There are tonguing exercises, snaps, zips, breathing exercises, etc. All these elements combine to form a development system that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Misconception #3: Roll-Out exercises are for developing the low register. Therefore a horn player with a secure low register, need not practice Roll-Out exercises.
Roll-Out exercises are designed to develop tone, flexibility, endurance and balance in all the registers, not just the low. A balanced embouchure has elements of roll-out in every note of every register.
Misconception #4: Roll-In exercises are for developing the upper register.
Roll-In exercises are designed to develop tone, flexibility, endurance and balance in all the registers, not just the high. A balanced embouchure has elements of roll-in in every note of every register.
Misconception #5: “Doing BE” means rolling out for low notes and rolling in for high notes.“Doing BE” means practicing the BE exercises and following the program as designed. Directly applying lip rolling to your regular embouchure is not BE and will be of limited value.Misconception #6: The correct BE embouchure has a bunched chin and puffed cheeks.There is no, one correct “BE embouchure.” The balanced embouchure you develop following the BE system will be unique to you. There is no way to predict what your final embouchure will look like. Horn players need to avoid preconceived ideas of what their balanced embouchures will look like.
Bert Lochs has taken the above #6 misconceptions and elaborated upon them for trumpet players.
Misconception #1: BE is written for trumpet, therefore much of it will not apply to French horn.
Some exercises need transposition or adaptation for French horn, but the principles and techniques taught in this book are as applicable to French horn as they are to trumpet. (I learned this lesson the hard way.)
Misconception #2: BE is all about rolling the lips in and out.
Lip rolling is only part of BE. There are tonguing exercises, snaps, zips, breathing exercises, etc. All these elements combine to form a development system that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Misconception #3: Roll-Out exercises are for developing the low register. Therefore a horn player with a secure low register, need not practice Roll-Out exercises.
Roll-Out exercises are designed to develop tone, flexibility, endurance and balance in all the registers, not just the low. A balanced embouchure has elements of roll-out in every note of every register.
Misconception #4: Roll-In exercises are for developing the upper register.
Roll-In exercises are designed to develop tone, flexibility, endurance and balance in all the registers, not just the high. A balanced embouchure has elements of roll-in in every note of every register.
Misconception #5: “Doing BE” means rolling out for low notes and rolling in for high notes.“Doing BE” means practicing the BE exercises and following the program as designed. Directly applying lip rolling to your regular embouchure is not BE and will be of limited value.Misconception #6: The correct BE embouchure has a bunched chin and puffed cheeks.There is no, one correct “BE embouchure.” The balanced embouchure you develop following the BE system will be unique to you. There is no way to predict what your final embouchure will look like. Horn players need to avoid preconceived ideas of what their balanced embouchures will look like.
Bert Lochs has taken the above #6 misconceptions and elaborated upon them for trumpet players.

- Lip Swelling, The Embouchure Performance Wrecking Ball
- "Born Again" Horn Player
- Feedback From a Horn Teacher
- The Balanced Embouchure for Horn on FaceBook
- Four Months into BE
- Alex Shuhan: One Year on BE
- Eight Years on BE and Still Going
- The Rule Breakers
- Keeping Up With The Kid
- Alexander Shuhan's Early Impressions of BE
I have studied every word Mr. Smiley's book in great detail. I then developed an extensive practice plan setup on a 90 day basis to implement it. I am only one week into the plan and must say I am amazed and impressed. I spent 6 months daily going through Systematic Approach To Daily Practice by Claude Gordon. Although this is a great course, it would take me another year to finish it. I have also tried a few other embouchure courses such as Cannon Ball Adderley and a book called Chops. Balanced Embouchure allowed me to within the first week to be able to increase my range from High D# to Double High A. I still need to do some more work to stabilize the notes, but I am having great success reaching them. But mostly I am impressed with how easy the notes come and how clear the tone is. I think the secret of the method is setting to normal embouchure at an upper level and then practicing the use of it in the normal register. . Above the staff. Another thing, which a lot of people disagree with is "tongue on lips". Doing this not only improved the sharpness of the attach, it also helps me control my lips using my tongue. These are just a few comments. I tell the final results when I finish the 90 days.